Pharmacotherapy Group




Through its corporate partnerships, we are able to offer our clients a full range of integrated services.

Our strategic location in University campus (
University of Benin) provides us access to laboratory facilities and animal models for  drug research and to the full range of animal models for standard preclinical evaluation and safety testing of drug candidates.

Our members in University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) make it easier to carry out studies involving humans.

We recruit consultants from different parts of the country to carry out research and consultancy activities, as appropriate.

Pharmacotherapy Group

Executive Director

Dr Patrick O Erah

BPharm, MPharm (Benin, Nigeria), PhD (Nottingham, UK)


Board Chairman

Professor Augustine O Okhamafe

BPharm (Benin, Nigeria), PhD (Bradford, UK)

Head Office
Faculty of Pharmacy

University of Benin

Benin City, Nigeria
Tel.: (234) 0802-336-0318

        (234) 0805-526-3622


Copyright@2000-2007. Pharmacotherapy Group